The first version of Touching was at Demo Projects in Springfield, Illinois. The exhibition explores a sensory and physical connection to images through the manipulation of magazine pages, stock photos, and television clips. A tactile approach is taken to the handling of the photograph with crumpled magazine pages and custom hand towels that imply a physical action connecting the image to the object of reference. I also investigate the emotional value of body language through an installation of collaged video clips from 80’s sitcoms in order to reveal an altered view of the past through selective obstruction and repetition. Collectively, the work questions how we physically interact with images and how they change over time.

Touching (Pit), DEMO Project, Springfield, Illinois, 2017

Touching, Installation View, DEMO Project, Springfield, Illinois, 2017

Touching (Hands), Magazine Clippings, 2017

Touching (Hands), Magazine Clippings, 2017

Touching (Golden Hands), Video, 2017

Touching (Hand Towels), Dye Sublimation on Terry Cloth and Towel Bars, 2017

Touching (Hand Towel), Dye Sublimation on Terry Cloth and Towel Ring, 2017

Touching (Hand Towel), Dye Sublimation on Terry Cloth and Towel Bar, 2017